Creation Museum Coming to Life

Great news! It is “getting dark” inside AiG’s Creation Museum (under construction near Cincinnati in the USA), which means the roof and walls are being completed. We’re praying that God will send enough funds to “turn on the lights” this winter so that construction crews can continue working on the inside without a pause.

Lord willing, the building will be completely enclosed by the end of summer. The progress is so encouraging, after years of prayer and preparation!

In fact, our creative energy has now turned from the physical structure to the “true light” of the museum—the message to be presented in the exhibits, planetarium shows and theatre. The museum scriptwriting team and a bevy of artists and interns are putting flesh and bones on Ken Ham’s vision, giving answers to a troubled world, as they embark on an eye-opening journey through biblical history.

Turning Rags Into Riches

A couple who work for AiG-USA were doing some (long-overdue) housecleaning, when they came up with the bright idea of hosting a huge “yard sale” at the AiG headquarters, with all proceeds going to the Creation Museum.

On their own time, they pooled thousands of household items, computer desks, etc., and held a mega sale on Saturday, 21 June, raising over $800 for the Creation Museum. Even more exciting was the opportunity to introduce many local passersby to the ministry!

Other exciting efforts are also in the works. For instance, several churches are making the museum their “mission” for Vacation Bible School again this year. These are just two examples of great ways to raise money and tell people about what God’s doing with the future Creation Museum.


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