Dare to ask, logical and biblical, the gift of ideas, and more!
Nearly two-thirds of students will one day walk away from the church. You’ve read these well documented statistics from Ken Ham and Britt Beemer in the book Already Gone. But what can Christians really do?
For many, the answer is just as scary as the numbers: let youth ask questions. Children and adults alike are seeking answers to the issues confronting them. Is there really a God? Can dinosaurs be explained by the Bible? Why should the Bible be believed? Hasn’t science shown the earth to be billions of years old?
Answering those questions, however, is essential to engaging the culture. And Answers in Genesis wants to help.
As a part of the redesign and expansion of the Answers Outreach web presence (previously Events), we are excited to announce the launch of our new DareToAsk.org website for our youth “Q&A Live” presentations. The site itself is designed with young adults and youth in mind, which is why the look is edgy and relevant. But it’s not just about looks.
You’ll also find video answers to some of the common questions all of us have asked. There are links to free resources and even a free DVD download.
Beyond that, you’ll also hear why singer Mark Hall (Casting Crowns) and actor Kirk Cameron (Fireproof) believe AiG’s “Q&A Live” sessions are so important in reaching young people with the message of biblical authority. And that same message can come to your church.
If you realize how compromise and the secular world are leading children astray, why not consider hosting one of these fast-paced, multimedia-rich events at your church? The presentations include “man on the street” interviews and a special video series called deBunked (think Mythbusters meets Dirty Jobs).
You can provide answers that impact the culture. Let Answers in Genesis equip you to reach young people for Christ.
Expect much more from our new Answers Outreach section in the coming months.
Dive into a fast-paced course in logic with Dr. Jason Lisle to learn how to better defend your faith in Evolution and Logical Fallacies.
Not everyone could make it to Creation College 3 this past summer, but now there’s a way to bring some of the faith-building teaching to your home.
If you’ve visited our website the last few months, you may have read our popular Logical Fallacies Series by Dr. Jason Lisle. These articles equip believers with the tools to defend their faith logically and effectively. And that’s just the beginning.
Dive deeper into apologetics with three new DVDs featuring Dr. Lisle’s enthusiastic teaching. In Evolution and Logical Fallacies, you’ll receive a fast-paced course on logic. Explore examples of how evolutionists often use fallacious arguments in arguing for their position—and how to “fallacy-proof” your own discussions.
Once you’ve mastered logic, put that new knowledge to good use by following the steps outlined in Dr. Lisle’s Nuclear Strength Apologetics, Part 1 and Part 2. These DVDs reveal why the presuppositional apologetics approach is such a powerful witnessing tool. Giving numerous examples of real-world discussions, Dr. Lisle demonstrates how to expose the inconsistencies and arbitrariness in secular worldviews, while demonstrating the logic and consistency of the biblical worldview.
These three DVDs can help you get equipped to face an increasingly secular world.
Sometimes the feedback responses published on Fridays are a response to a specific article on the AiG website. Why aren’t links to these feedback responses posted on the same page as the article that they address?
Although we enjoy hearing from every supporter or sincere critic, the web team particularly appreciates great ideas from our visitors. If you have ideas about how our website could work more efficiently, be sure to let us know. We want this site to continue to be a community effort that engages visitors with easily accessible and pertinent information.
Concerning this particular request, thank you for the suggestion, and we will certainly take it into consideration as we continue developing the site. Nearly a year ago, we unveiled our new version of Answers, which introduced the filtering technology that allows visitors to sort through the thousands of articles on our site. Behind the scenes, we’ve made several upgrades and tweaks to improve the functionality and speed, and there are many more still to come, which—we hope—will include a way to link related articles.
For now, you may find our feedback archive to be useful for seeing what topics we’ve addressed. You can also sort through articles in our Answers article database. Or try a site search for a broader view.
And, as always, be sure to catch InSite every month for the latest improvements and new features.
(Have a question for InSite? Let us know! Be sure to mention that your question is intended for InSite.)
Did you know that our popular News to Note feature has run continually on every Saturday since July 29, 2006? That means we’ve covered the most important biblical and scientific news for 168 straight weeks. If you’re curious how much this feature has “evolved,” take a look at the first edition and the most recent ones. Be sure to come back each Saturday for up-to-date commentary on news from a Christian perspective.
InSite is a monthly feature of Answers in Genesis that covers new features and content—as well as other useful tools and resources—on www.answersingenesis.org. Written by the web team itself, InSite offers a bit of insight into the web philosophy and projects of the Answers in Genesis Internet Outreach department. Have a suggestion or other feedback about how our website works? Let us know! Miss out on last month’s edition of InSite? Take a look now!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.