Mass Extinctions?

Order in the Fossil Record

by Ken Ham on August 28, 2024

Part 3


This is Ken Ham, editor of the eye-opening book on the flood and Noah’s Ark, A Flood of Evidence.


Most scientists view fossils as a record of life’s history. They observe certain types of fossils in specific layers and assume when that creature disappears from the fossil record, that means it went extinct. Because of this, they assume many mass extinctions throughout evolutionary history.

But creationists like me look at the same fossils and we see evidence of ecosystems that were buried as the floodwaters rose. That’s why bottom-dwelling sea creatures are found in the lowest layers, but creatures that live far inland are found at the top.

The fossil record is not a record of mass extinction but rising waves of burial!

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About Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis–US, the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark Encounter. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America.

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