Why Won’t They Listen?

by Ken Ham on January 19, 2023


This is Ken Ham, editor of the apologetics series of books, The New Answers Books.


Have you ever been sharing your faith and had someone scoff at God’s Word? And how they can marvel that anyone can be foolish enough to believe the Bible?

This response shouldn’t surprise us—God said he’s chosen foolish things to shame the wise. God’s Word and the gospel sound foolish to the proud because God designed it that way!

So, what do you do when someone scoffs, even after you’ve given a defense for the truth of God’s Word? Well, first understand why—they’re proud and spiritually blind. Then you should lovingly tell them the truth—that they’re a sinner and, unless they repent, they’ll face God’s wrath. Then pray God will humble their proud heart.

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About Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis–US, the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark Encounter. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America.

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