Answers in Depth (AiD) explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more. AiD provides Christians with powerful apologetic answers, careful critiques, and close examinations of the world around them.
With our ability to rapidly sequence genes, the ABO blood group is also proving to be a valuable asset for determining human migration patterns and origins.
PDF DownloadThe Bristlecone Pine long chronology, comprised of hundreds of live and dead trees, is claimed to be over 8,000 years long. But is there more to the story?
PDF DownloadMany people think of the skeletal structure as static, but as our ribs show, they are some of the most dynamic structures in our bodies.
PDF DownloadScientific American recently described the molecular basis for a number of traits as supporting evolution, but a closer looks reveals that there’s more to mutation than randomness.
PDF DownloadIt is one of the most-asked questions we now receive at Answers in Genesis: If human and chimp DNA are so similar, does this show a common ancestor?
PDF DownloadThe word “piranha” conjures up visions of vast schools of small fishes quickly devouring anyone that should happen to fall into the river by accident.
PDF DownloadMorality is a very difficult problem for the evolutionary worldview since they have no rational reason for the concept of right and wrong.
Microbes and viruses were created as a link between macro-organisms and a chemically rich but inert physical environment.
PDF DownloadCreationists have tended to offer an inconsistent or incomplete perspective of “beneficial mutations” within a creation framework.
PDF DownloadMuch research has been done on the ebg operon of the bacterium Escherichia coli over the last 30 years. specific mutations within this operon enable the bacterium to metabolize lactose.
PDF DownloadThe key to unlock the Bible is within the reach of everyone and not just a special group of people with expert training.
PDF DownloadMethicillin-resistant Staph bacteria cause more deaths than AIDS and resist most antibiotics. How do “superbugs” fit within a creation framework?
PDF DownloadIn 2006, on the south end of Banks Island, that a 65-year-old hunter shot and killed the first documented grizzly/polar hybrid (grolar bear) in the wild.
PDF DownloadThe discovery of the farthest known space object points out some of the problems with the big bang—and why we can trust Genesis.
PDF DownloadToday, we take for granted that germs cause disease, and many people fear them. Yet for centuries, the concept of germs was virtually unknown.
PDF DownloadOne of the scientific objections to a young earth is the apparent evidence that large plutons of granitic and other igneous intrusive rocks necessarily required millions of years to cool from magmas.
PDF DownloadThe origin and significance of radiohalos have been debated for almost a century, perhaps largely because their geological distribution has been poorly understood.
PDF DownloadThe Po radiohalos and other evidence associated with this granite thus remove objections to Flood geology and any need to place the Flood/post-Flood boundary in the lower Carboniferous.
PDF DownloadThe Cooma granodiorite was generated as a consequence of the regional metamorphism that resulted from the catastrophic large-scale emplacement during the catastrophic plate tectonics of the Flood.
PDF DownloadWe offer an explanation for the radiohalos and for the “tubes” in these diamonds in terms of a hydrothermal fluid transport model for Po radiohalo formation.
PDF DownloadThere is astounding variation that exists within dogs. There are different sizes, shapes, and colors. What causes this variety?
PDF DownloadThrough complex biochemical interactions, there is actual communication between the gut lining and the microbiota to establish a healthy equilibrium. Communication that reflects the Creator.
PDF DownloadAs improbable as it sounds, there are plants that can digest rats and other small vertebrates.
PDF DownloadIs one of the main examples of intelligent design bogus—or is this another “just so” story from evolutionists?
PDF DownloadFossilization occurs rapidly when the conditions are right. The conditions necessary for lithification of soft tissue give clues to unlock the history of a fossil deposit.
Computer animations on the Discovery Channel were quite misleading about how Ardi (Ardipethicus ramidus) walked. Dr. Mark Blais, a podiatrist, explains.
As with other isochron methods, the U-Pb isochron method has been questioned in the open literature.
PDF DownloadMt. Ngauruhoe is an andesite stratovolcano, rising above the Tongariro volcanic massif within the Tongariro Volcanic Center of the Taupo Volcanic Zone.
PDF DownloadAnswers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.