Partnering to Reach the Culture and the Church

on June 25, 2016 ; last featured June 3, 2017

Across America we’re increasingly seeing the decline of the Christian morality that used to largely define this nation. Quickly growing and taking root in this newly created moral void is secularism. Sadly, many of those being influenced by the secular worldview are those in the church!

A new Barna study found that America’s “new moral code”—held by well over half of practicing Christians—is characterized by a belief that “the highest good . . . is ‘finding yourself’ and then living by ‘what’s right for you.’” These ideas are contrary to Scripture (Ecclesiastes 12:13; Matthew 22:37–39) and are the fruit of atheistic, secular thinking.

We want to show this lost and dying culture that there is a firm foundation on which to ground its thinking and that living for Jesus Christ is the highest good.

Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter exist to call the culture back to the authority of God’s Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to show this lost and dying culture that there is a firm foundation on which to ground its thinking and that living for Jesus Christ is the highest good. But we don’t do this alone. Behind us stand thousands of faithful donors and volunteers who support us and help us to reach the US culture and the church. We are so thankful for these individuals!

If you would like to partner with us as we reach out to this society and our church community , there are many ways our American supporters can give. One option gives you an immediate charitable tax deduction and also, after a set number of years, gives you income for life while supporting us in our mission. Here’s how a flexible deferred gift annuity works. Perhaps you have an appreciated asset, such as stocks, and face a high capital gains tax if you sell it. You can donate those stocks to AiG and receive an immediate charitable tax deduction to offset your taxes. And the gift legally avoids the high capital gains tax! After a set number of years, when you decide to retire, the gift begins paying you a set income for life with a large portion of it income tax free.

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