If I applied to work at an atheist organization, do you think they’d hire me? Of course not! But what if I sued for discrimination? Should the government force this atheist group to hire me, even though doing so would go against their mission, their focus, and the beliefs that they operate by?
Well, that’s essentially what’s happening at one of the nation’s largest Christian universities, Liberty University. Reportedly, they hired a man named Jonathon Zinski who:
Digitally signed an agreement to abide by Liberty University’s doctrinal statement and policies that regard transgender ideology as violating its religious convictions and stipulate that job applicants who are trans will not be considered for employment.
However, after his 90-day probationary period was over, Zinski revealed he’d started taking female hormones four months before he was even hired and now wanted to identify as a female and be called “Ellenor.”
Zinski was fired for not abiding by the agreement he signed. He then sued Liberty University for discrimination—and a federal judge has sided with Zinski, stating, “Liberty’s continued employment of Zinksi does not significantly burden Liberty’s ability to maintain its views and associate for its expressed purposes” as Zinski worked in IT and did not have a “spiritual function” at the university.
How is the college supposed to maintain its uniquely Christian identity if the employees who work there don’t believe the university’s doctrinal statement?
But how is the college supposed to maintain its uniquely Christian identity if the employees who work there don’t believe the university’s doctrinal statement? Even employees who do not have a direct “spiritual function” contribute to the mission, focus, ethos, and culture of the organization. For any organization to stay healthy and on mission, it’s vital all the employees can sign a statement of faith (and abide by it!).
This is very similar to what happened to us before the Ark Encounter opened. The state refused to approve us for a facially neutral tax incentive program (a rebate on sales tax generated within the attraction once it opened) simply because we were Christians, teaching a Christian message and hiring only Christians. Praise the Lord, we won a very decisive victory in federal court. Perhaps that precedent will be used in this Liberty University case if it makes it to the Supreme Court as they suspect it might.
An atheist group shouldn’t be forced to hire someone like me anymore than a Christian university should be forced to continue employing someone whose lifestyle and beliefs runs contrary to what makes them distinctly Christian. We pray this poor ruling (that discriminates against Christians) will be overturned and religious freedom will be preserved in this nation.
This item was discussed Monday on Answers News with cohosts Dr. Tim Chaffey, Avery Foley, and Kevin Hadsall. Answers News is our weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience here at the Creation Museum, broadcast on our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel, and posted to Answers TV. We also covered the following topics:
Watch the entire episode of Answers News for March 17, 2025.
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Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Should the government force an atheist group to hire me, even though doing so would go against their mission, their focus, and the beliefs that they operate by?
A recent study found that “sex-change” surgery doesn’t fix the identity crisis! It only makes things worse!
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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.