Depraved: Professor Says We Need “Mass Movement” for Kids’ Right to Sex Work

by Ken Ham on October 26, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

As you read this, there’s one word that comes to mind: depravity!

If reading the news headlines makes you cry out, “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20), you are not alone. It seems that evil men and women prosper with no consequences while the righteous are treated with contempt and hostility—and it’s just getting worse! Seeing this is both discouraging and sobering as we consider the consequences of evil flourishing in our nation—consequences that most dramatically impact the most vulnerable among us. What can we do?

As just one example of evil impacting the most vulnerable, consider this headline, “Professor encourages activist to start ‘mass movement’ for kids’ right to sex work.” Yes, a Johns Hopkins University professor appears to have urged an activist during a recent Q&A at a conference to help remove the stigma around supporting child “sex work” (really child sexual abuse) by starting a “mass movement” to turn the tide of “moral panic” over the idea. It’s nothing more than an attempt to normalize child abuse in the name of adult sexual desire. It’s disgusting, it’s vile, and it’s hard to even begin to grasp the consequences of such depravity.

We understand that, even in the midst of great evil, societal chaos, and depravity, God is still sovereign.

So what can we do when these headlines make us feel so helpless to stop the evil around us? Well, we do what Christians have done throughout the ages—we believe and obey God’s Word. We understand that, even in the midst of great evil, societal chaos, and depravity, God is still sovereign. He is still working out his plan, and eventually, every single evildoer will receive their just punishment for their sin (unless they repent and trust Christ, as we pray they do!). A great book of the Bible to turn to when you feel discouraged by evil is the minor prophet Habakkuk. He had the same questions about the ruthless Babylonians, and God’s answer to the prophet’s complaint points to God’s sovereignty and mercy.

Throughout human history, evil in various forms has flourished. And God’s people have walked into the darkness with the light of Christ, starting ministries to rescue those who are exploited and abused. God has always used regular, faithful, obedient Christians to be salt and light during dark times, pointing people toward Jesus Christ and his gospel. And no matter how utterly hopeless our times may appear, we must continue to “do the business of the King” until he returns, understanding that the results aren’t up to us—they are up to God. We are just called to be faithful.

And we also must understand that the weapons we wield aren’t the weapons of the world—they are spiritual weapons designed for the spiritual battle we are in.

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete. (2 Corinthians 10:3–6)

In the face of great darkness, don’t be discouraged. Put on your armor and fight as God has called us to do—by clinging to his Word, praying without ceasing, loving God first and neighbor second, and making disciples of all nations. And leave the results to our sovereign God!

Get More Answers on Answers News

This item was discussed Monday on Answers News with cohosts Jessica DeFord, Dr. Tim Chaffey, and Avery Foley. Answers News is our weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience here at the Creation Museum, broadcast on our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel, and posted to Answers TV. We also covered the following topics:

  • UK university offers degree in magic and the occult.
  • “Stealth euthanasia” is on the rise.
  • Are birds segregated in LA?
  • And more!

Watch the entire episode of Answers News for October 23, 2023.

Be sure to join us each Monday at 2 p.m. (ET) on YouTube or later that day on Answers TV for Answers News. You won’t want to miss this unique news program that gives science and culture news from a distinctly biblical and Christian perspective.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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