In Canada, are some students “more equal than others”? A new medical school is opening in Toronto, Canada, and it will “reserve 75 per cent [sic] of its seats for Indigenous, Black, and other ‘equity-deserving’ groups including 2SLGBTQ+.” Yes, that means what you think it means—“able-bodied straight white students can’t apply for these seats.” It’s discrimination in the name of equity. So what’s “equity”?
Well, equity is a big tenet of critical race theory (CRT), the worldview dominating Western academia. Basically, equity, in this context, is equality of outcomes not equality of opportunity. In his new book Woke Injustice, AiG’s Bryan Osborne defines equity, and its link to CRT, this way:
The end game for the [CRT] revolution is to bring about equity. The CRT meaning assigned to equity is equal outcomes. Everyone gets the same stuff and same results in everything, no matter what. Recall that CRT decries any disparity in outcomes as oppressive. By equity, the critical race theorist does not mean equality. Equality assumes each person is equally valuable and worthy of equal opportunities. CRT requires equal outcomes. There’s a big difference between the two.
Here’s how this looks at this new medical school: Instead of allowing anyone to apply based on their individual merit, this new school has lowered the entry standard (students only need a 3.3 GPA to get in, compared to another Toronto medical school that requires a 3.95) and only allows certain perceived disadvantaged groups to apply. But they will never achieve equity because individuals are not all the same.
God didn’t make everyone the same or, in his sovereignty, give everyone the same circumstances!
We should be striving for equality as a culture—we want equal opportunities for everyone. But we will never achieve equal outcomes because individuals are complex and so many factors make a difference in how any one person will fare under the same opportunity. God didn’t make everyone the same or, in his sovereignty, give everyone the same circumstances! God also gives people different gifts/talents (Ephesians 4:11).
The rich and the poor meet together;
the Lord is the Maker of them all. (Proverbs 22:2)
Christians often get duped into viewing the world through the lens of CRT because they’ve been convinced it’s both compassionate and the only way to help those who are disadvantaged. But what they don’t realize is that the framework they are adopting is an anti-biblical, anti-Christian worldview that is hurting our culture. I strongly encourage Christians—especially young people—to read Bryan’s new book for a great laymen-level overview of the topic. It’s vital Christians understand what’s really going on!
This item was discussed Monday on Answers News with cohosts Kevin Hadsall, Bryan Osborne, and Roger Patterson. Answers News is our weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience here at the Creation Museum, broadcast on our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel, and posted to Answers TV. We also covered the following topics:
Be sure to join us each Monday at 2 p.m. (ET) on YouTube or later that day on Answers TV for Answers News. You won’t want to miss this unique news program that gives science and culture news from a distinctly biblical and Christian perspective.
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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Scientists have just named a brand-new species of mining bee (small bees that are very important pollinators): Andrena androfovea.
In the UK and Alberta, Canada, rulings have been passed down to protect children who believe they are transgender from taking drugs and undergoing surgery to irrevocably change their bodies.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.