In the Bottom of a Very Deep Hole!

by Dr. Tommy Mitchell on June 15, 2010

I just returned from a seven-day rafting trip down the Colorado River. It was terrific! This was my third trip to the Grand Canyon, and I must say it is the deepest hole a boy from Tennessee ought to ever find himself in.

Answers in Genesis sponsors three trips to the canyon each year. These trips are conducted in partnership with Canyon Ministries. Two AiG staff members, along with Tom Vail of Canyon Ministries, accompany the participants down the river. We have frequent teaching sessions and devotionals along the way. It is a privilege to teach about the canyon and tell people about the Flood of Noah’s day, God’s judgment, and His love for us.

The majesty of the Canyon overwhelms first time visitors and canyon veterans alike. You cannot capture the beauty and grandeur with a camera. You really need to experience it for yourself.

This year our guests ranged in age from eight to 75. We rafted 195 miles down the Colorado River, encountered rapids, and hiked through side canyons. Our days were so full that we had no difficulty falling asleep each night. We had so much fun that we could not help being a little sad the morning the helicopter took us to return to the real world.

It was an honor to share this trip with Tom Vail and Dr. Don DeYoung. I was encouraged by their passion for ministry and their desire to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Here are just a few photos from the Canyon:

I’m off to Georgia next week for another conference. Keep on praying!


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