Meet a Budding 7-Year-Old Paleontologist

by Ken Ham on February 14, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I wanted you all to meet Henry. He is 7 years old and is in second grade at a Christian school in Pennsylvania. I recently met Henry when I was speaking at Calvary Chapel of Delaware County in PA. Henry wanted to meet me because he is “a Ken Ham fan!”

Henry’s mother told me they have been to the Creation Museum many times and also to the Ark Encounter once. Henry wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up, and he even dresses up like “Ken Ham” (with an Aussie hat) on dress-up days for the Christian school he attends. It was so thrilling to meet this member of the younger generation who wants to be a creation scientist.

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  • Ken Ham with Henry and Family

We were able to record Henry on a short video. Your heart will be so warmed as you watch this young boy speak from his heart.

We need many more like Henry to be trained up to proclaim God’s Word in this increasingly secularized culture.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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