Keepers of the Kingdom—Help Kids Stand in the Battle for Truth

by Ken Ham on October 16, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We’re so excited for Keepers of the Kingdom, our armor of God vacation Bible school (VBS) that thousands of churches will be using next summer. This medieval-themed VBS program will teach children that there’s a battle for truth and equip them to stand firm on the Word of God in this very secularized culture. It’s going to be very powerful! If your church is already planning on holding a VBS next summer, I encourage you to check out Keepers of the Kingdom and our VBS Digital tool.

In a time where relativism is permeating the culture, kids need to know there is absolute truth and that it’s found in God’s Word.

In a time when relativism is permeating the culture, kids need to know there is absolute truth and that it’s found in God’s Word. That’s why I’m so excited for Keepers of the Kingdom—just check out what children will learn during this week:

  • That we’re in a battle between two kingdoms
  • What the pieces of the armor of God are and what they represent
  • That there is absolute truth that’s for all people, all times, and all circumstances
  • To put on what’s right (Jesus’ righteousness) . . . and do right
  • To guard against false teaching and temptations
  • To be ready to give an answer for the hope they have

Wow—as you can see, our VBS programs aren’t “fluffy.” They teach children deep and lasting truths from God’s Word, and yet they are fun, exciting, and entertaining. Children and adults love the dramas, music, and science experiments. You won’t regret the impact this program will make in your church and community. I encourage you to check it out (and enjoy 25% off your Keepers of the Kingdom VBS order through January 10, 2023, when you use code VBS23B at checkout).

Digital Is the Way to Go

Now, here’s some more info about the VBS Digital tool I mentioned earlier. It’s our powerful online tool that gives VBS directors their own “virtual assistant,” available anytime, anywhere, on any device. With VBS Digital, directors will find help with event promotion, scheduling, and registration, including:

  • Promotion tools to post on your church website and social media platforms
  • A personalized event web page, church location, and more
  • Event planning checklists
  • Viewable and printable rotation, team, and room schedules
  • Name tag printing

All the above features are free with a Starter or Super Starter Kit. But with an upgrade to VBS Digital Pro, enjoy a Digital Library featuring all the music, guides, videos, posters, and other materials. You’ll also have the ability to track attendance, send out reminder emails, download registration data, customize registration forms, and more! It’s a resource that makes your job easier than ever.

But don’t take our word for it. Commenting on a Facebook post where someone asked about switching to Answers VBS and how to begin, several VBS directors and volunteers shared what a helpful tool VBS Digital Pro is:

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  • VBS Digial Pro Feedback

We also received the following email from a VBS director who says VBS Digital Pro is the first item they order each year:

VBS Digital Pro has been the most valuable tool for me as a Director. I am able to keep track of all the families and volunteers that register, customize the forms to fit our VBS week, export data to follow up with the families and have access to all the files before it's available to print. I am able to get a head start on the planning thanks to the Digital Pro. It is the first VBS item we purchase every year! —Bryn M.

Learn more and purchase a kit with VBS Digital Pro at If you have already purchased your kit, you can upgrade to Digital Pro today on

Another Tool to Help You Put on Your Answers VBS

Digital VBS isn’t the only tool we have for you to help you in your VBS planning. We’re also hosting both a VBS Showcase and a special preconference at the Answers Center at the Ark Encounter. At the showcase, you’ll enjoy tips from VBS veterans, try the crafts and science experiments, see the decorations, eat the snacks, shop with a special discount, and enjoy teaching sessions. This year’s showcase is January 28, 2023, south of Cincinnati in Williamstown, Kentucky.

And the day before is our preconference, Stand Firm, on January 27, 2023, featuring teaching sessions from Dr. Georgia Purdom, Tim Chaffey, Bryan Osborne, Bodie Hodge, and me. This showcase and preconference are designed to equip you to make your VBS the best ever.

Stand Firm Conference

Be sure to register today for these two exciting events. We pray the tools and resources we provide will not only equip you to pull off a stress-free VBS week but will help you better share the good news of God’s Word and the gospel with the children in your church and community—because that’s what it’s all about!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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