We’re So Grateful for Faithful Pastors

by Ken Ham on October 20, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

October is Pastor Appreciation Month—and I wanted to take the opportunity to say how grateful and appreciative we are of every single faithful pastor who serves his congregation by preaching the truth of God’s Word each week. If that’s you, please know how vital your role is and how thankful we are for your faithfulness.

One of the most common questions I am asked when speaking around the country or meeting guests at our attractions is “Where can I find a church that stands on the authority of God’s Word like you do at Answers in Genesis?”

Sadly, there aren’t many such churches in America—so many have compromised God’s Word in Genesis, are weak on today’s social issues, or focus on entertainment and not the teaching of God’s Word. But not all churches are like this!

You see, during these meet and greets, I also meet many pastors—faithful pastors of congregations, small and large, across the US. Pastors who boldly stand on God’s Word. Pastors who believe Genesis from the very first verse. Pastors who confront today’s hot button issues with compassion, truth, and courage. Pastors who love their Lord and their congregations well. Hundreds of such pastors were recently gathered at the Ark Encounter for our Answers for Pastors event. What an encouragement!

From us at Answers in Genesis to you as pastors—thank you! Continue to fight the good fight and be faithful to your call.

We’re so deeply thankful for these pastors. We could never do what we do—especially in the early days of the ministry before the attractions opened—without the partnership of pastors who invite us into their churches to teach, either in person or through our resources.

So, from us at Answers in Genesis to you as pastors—thank you! Continue to fight the good fight and be faithful to your call.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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