William Lane Craig: YEC “Would Fly in the Face of Scientific Evidence”

by Ken Ham on October 8, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Does young-earth creation fly in the face of scientific evidence? Well, that’s what popular apologist William Lane Craig believes and teaches. I’ve written about him many times before because he compromises God’s Word with evolutionary ideas, including human evolution, and leads so many in the church astray. So how would I respond to his recent claim that we must accept evolution in order to “do justice to all of our sources of knowledge?”

Well, you can see exactly how I would respond to this claim by, well, watching me respond to it in this short video our social media team produced:

Yes, it matters what you believe about Genesis. Without a literal Genesis, and a literal Adam who sinned against God and brought physical death into this world, there is no gospel message. The first Adam is foundational to understanding the work of the last Adam, Jesus Christ.

For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:21–22)

Now before someone accuses me of claiming that Craig and others like him who compromise Genesis with man’s ideas are not saved, I am not saying that. One does not have to believe in a literal Genesis to be saved. But the gospel message has no foundation without the literal history in Genesis.

Adam, First & Last: Blueprints for Men

You can learn more about the first and last Adams and all the implications of a literal Genesis, including defining manhood, at our upcoming Answers for Men conference. For years now, we’ve hosted an annual women’s conference that has been incredibly popular—and the men wanted a conference for themselves!

  • Answers for Men 2025
  • Answers for Men 2025

This first-ever event is taking place March 21–22, 2025, at the Ark Encounter and will feature teaching from myself, Martyn Iles, Dr. Joel Beeke, Kirk Cameron, Costi Hinn, Stephen Kendrick, and E.Z. Zwayne. Conference registration also includes three-day Ark Encounter and Creation Museum admission.

Don’t miss the early-bird discount! Register today for Answers for Men—Adam, First & Last: Blueprints for Men.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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