What Is Children’s Hunger Fund? Learn Why I Love This Mercy Ministry

by Ken Ham on September 29, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

What is Children’s Hunger Fund? Well, CHF is a mercy ministry that Answers in Genesis has partnered with for over a decade now. I love this ministry because they meet real physical needs by providing nutritious meals to hungry children and families around the world, but they do so through a network of local churches, ensuring that each meal is an opportunity to present the gospel and connect families with churches. It’s a beautiful ministry that is truly being God’s hands and feet to others through meeting both physical and spiritual needs.

As you’ll learn in this short video I recently recorded with CHF’s senior vice president, churches provided 2.5 million meals through our Answers VBS partnership in just this year alone! That brings the total number of meals to over 15 million—just through Answers VBS!

I encourage you to consider supporting this wonderful ministry. Go to ChildrensHungerFund.org.

2025 Answers VBS: Wonder Junction

Oh, and if you’re looking for a unique VBS program that teaches biblical worldview, apologetics, and the gospel and that is also evangelistic, rich and meaty, and a lot of fun—check out Answers VBS. We consistently hear that churches love how deep the content is—no “fluff and stuff” here! Our Western-themed 2025 VBS is called Wonder Junction, and it’s all about the person of Jesus Christ and helping kids understand who he is and how we can live for him.

Learn more at AnswersVBS.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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