Children’s Hunger Fund Says Thank You

by Ken Ham on September 4, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

At Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter, we love our relationship with the gospel-centered mercy ministry Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF). This ministry provides meals for destitute families around the world, including here in the USA.

CHF has provided millions upon millions of meals to needy families. But they not only supply physical sustenance; they also provide spiritual sustenance. As they provide the meals through their network of local pastors, they also tell people about God’s Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s why we have such a great relationship with them—we’re both on about the gospel!

CHF has provided millions upon millions of meals to needy families. But they don’t only supply physical sustenance; they also provide spiritual sustenance.

Because of bulk buying and donations of food items from various companies, they are able to provide a substantial meal for a child for just 25 cents—though with inflation this is getting harder to do! Ten years ago, we decided to make Children’s Hunger Fund a mission associated with our VBS program. Churches ask children to give $0.25 to provide a meal for a needy child/family. Over the past 10 years, Answers VBS churches have raised $3.9 million dollars, which translates to 15.6 million meals! This year alone, through Answers VBS, over $560,877 was raised, which will provide over 2,200,000 meals.

Not only this, but we have a “buy a meal; give a meal” program on select meals at our two attractions. For each qualifying meal purchased, funds are set aside to provide a meal with CHF. Over the past twelve months, we have provided enough funds for 79,309 meals through this program! I had the privilege of presenting CHF’s Senior Vice President with a “check” for the meals at a special staff meeting.

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  • Ken presenting CHF’s Senior Vice President with a check for the meals

As a thank you to all our staff, Children’s Hunger Fund representatives visited our attractions and provided Chick-fil-A sandwiches (yes, they received special bulk prices and other generous support, etc.) for an AiG staff lunch to personally thank our staff for their part in the partnership between AiG and CHF.

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  • CHF providing lunch for AiG Staff

It’s been such a great 10 years, and we look forward to helping provide millions more meals for needy families in years to come. For more information on Children’s Hunger Fund or to donate, I encourage you to visit—it really is a wonderful ministry to support.

Oh, and we also help destitute/underprivileged families around the world by selling fair trade items at our two attractions. We are one of the biggest Christian retailers for fair trade items, the sale of which provides opportunities and reliable income to economically disadvantaged artisans and their families.

We praise the Lord for what he’s allowed this ministry to do!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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