Will You Fight Like a Man?

by Ken Ham on August 18, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I’ve heard it said that the average age a boy is first exposed to internet pornography is now around 8 years old. Eight years old. That alarming statistic is why certain states are requiring major pornography websites, like PornHub, to practice age verification on their sites—resulting in PornHub shutting down in those states, including in Kentucky and 11 others. Now that’s a good thing—making the evil of pornography harder to access protects children from exposure. But more is needed.

Pornography is nothing short of sexual immorality. And, as with anything that goes against God’s design, it hurts users; it hurts the children exposed to it; and it hurts the women, girls, men, and boys who are exploited and trafficked to produce it. And yet it can be highly addicting—even among Christian men. So what can men do to fight for purity and escape the snare of lust and sexual immorality?

Well, I was asked a few months ago by my friend “E.Z.” Zwayne of Living Waters to write the foreword for his new book, Fight Like a Man: A Bold, Biblical Battle Plan for Personal Purity. This book is really practical, very convicting, and, well, it begins with Genesis!

You must have a biblical understanding of God’s design for marriage . . . given to us in Genesis . . . to have the correct framework for understanding what God designed sexuality to be.

You see, Genesis 1–11 is foundational for our entire Christian worldview, so, yes, it’s foundational when it comes to sexuality. You must have a biblical understanding of God’s design for marriage . . . given to us in Genesis . . . to have the correct framework for understanding what God designed sexuality to be. In this book, you’ll be challenged biblically with God’s call for men to be strong, godly leaders who (by God’s Spirit) will not allow sin to have mastery over them.

I encourage you to read Fight Like a Man and be equipped (it’s a very practical book) and encouraged yourself and to have the tools to teach your sons God’s view on sexuality.

You can preorder Fight Like a Man from Amazon.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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