International Impact! 2024 Internships a Big Success

by Ken Ham on July 31, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Thursday of last week was National Intern Day. So during our weekly Answers in Genesis staff meeting, the Embark (Answers Internship Program) students were introduced to the staff, and a brief overview of this exciting program was given. As a ministry, we praise the Lord for the interns who are able to come to AiG, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum—where they have a paying job for the duration of their internship, learn how to serve the Lord in their chosen profession, and develop a more biblical worldview.

Enjoy these photos of the interns working and some photos they took during their stay. So far this year, we’ve had a total of 34 interns filling 17 different positions across the ministry. Among them, we have several international students who traveled 4,150 miles from Bolivia to be part of the program. Praise the Lord!

  • Interns with Ken Ham
  • Interns in Learning and Development class
  • Intern group photo class=
  • Interns on stage at staff meeting
  • Intern painting
  • Customer service intern
  • Graphic design intern
  • Graphic design intern
  • A/V intern
  • Interns out at dinner
  • Interns at the Creation Museum
  • Interns at The Landing

I think you’ll also enjoy this short video from Grace, one of our graphic design interns. Just hear the excitement in her voice!

For more details on Embark, I encourage you to visit our website. We have more internships beginning in September, so apply today.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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