Behind the Scenes: Wonder Junction Photoshoot

by Ken Ham on July 26, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Can you imagine organizing a photo shoot with 64 children? Well, let me show you what that looks like from behind the scenes!

What was this photo shoot for? Well, the ministry of Answers in Genesis produces what I believe is the most powerful VBS program in the world. More and more churches are changing over to Answers VBS, a curriculum with real biblical “meat” (not just shallow, entertaining “fluff and stuff”), apologetics, biblical worldview, Bible memorization, great music, science experiments, phenomenal digital helps, and so much more.

For 2024, we had to increase our orders for VBS resources by 35%. And for 2025, we are increasing it by about the same amount again! Our Western-themed VBS for 2025 is called Wonder Junction, and kids will learn who Jesus is. We live at a time where many of the younger generations, whether they go to church or not, really don’t understand who Jesus is, and we want to equip them to marvel at Jesus and live for his glory.

Now back to the photo shoot. This staged event, held at a local church, featured professional models to allow us to collect photos for our VBS product catalog so churches can decide which materials to order for their VBS next summer. Enjoy these photographs of the event:

  • Wonder Junction photoshoot
  • Wonder Junction photoshoot
  • Wonder Junction photoshoot
  • Wonder Junction photoshoot
  • Wonder Junction photoshoot
  • Wonder Junction photoshoot
  • Wonder Junction photoshoot
  • Wonder Junction photoshoot
  • Wonder Junction photoshoot

For more information on our 2025 VBS, Wonder Junction, go to

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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