We’re Living in Babylon—What Can We Do?

by Ken Ham on July 13, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Are we living in Babylon? AiG’s Executive CEO, Martyn Iles, has a talk titled “Living in Babylon” that he’s given in many Western nations. This talk highlights how living in a post-Christian world is like living in the pagan nation of Babylon, a nation utterly opposed to the absolutes of Christianity. So what can we do?

Well, we can be Daniels! In fact, raising these “Daniels” is the theme of our 2025 homeschool experience. We need a generation that knows what God’s Word says and is willing to boldly proclaim it and live by it, no matter the consequences. Then we trust God with the “lions” that we will eventually face.

We need a generation that knows what God’s Word says and is willing to boldly proclaim it and live by it, no matter the consequences.

You can watch Martyn’s “Living in Babylon” talk on his YouTube channel (and I encourage you to do so!), but I also wanted to highlight an upcoming event from our friends at Sight & Sound Theatres that I believe will encourage you in this. They have produced a phenomenal stage production featuring the account of Daniel—and it will be streamed live in theaters across the nation August 30–September 2, 2024.

Sight & Sound’s productions are always top-quality, and this particular production is sure to be an encouragement to you, reminding you of our responsibility before God to stand for him no matter the consequences (trusting those to our sovereign God!). What a wonderful opportunity to take your children to the theater and leave talking about God’s Word, God’s sovereignty, and our responsibility as his servants!

You can find more information on their website. Enjoy this one-minute trailer:

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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