Finches, Tortoises, and More: Creationists Tour “Evolution’s” Iconic Islands

by Ken Ham on June 12, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

When most people hear “Galápagos Islands,” they automatically associate these remote islands with two things: Charles Darwin and his evolutionary beliefs. But AiG recently led a group of creationists to tour, experience, and learn from the Galápagos Islands and their amazing wildlife because, well, those islands belong to the Lord—not to evolution!

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  • Galápagos Islands

While at the Galápagos, our team filmed some exciting video content, so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss these videos debunking evolution on Darwin’s own turf.

Now, Darwin’s observations about small changes within a kind were accurate (that’s observational science), but he took the idea too far, arguing for changes between kinds—something that has never been (and never will be) observed.

The Galápagos Islands are most heavily associated with Darwin and his voyage aboard the HMS Beagle, but they aren’t the only place he stopped. His position as the naturalist on that ship took him to South America, the South Pacific, and to Australia. Along the way, he encountered many organisms that convinced him that species weren’t fixed (a popular, but erroneous, view at the time). He (falsely) posited that those small changes between species within a kind could add up to big changes between kinds over time.

Now, Darwin’s observations about small changes within a kind were accurate (that’s observational science), but he took the idea too far, arguing for changes between kinds—something that has never been (and never will be) observed.

Darwin’s Zoo

Darwin’s journey around the world is the focus of a feature article in the upcoming issue of our unique Answers magazine—if you haven’t subscribed to the magazine, I encourage you to do so. It’s a wonderful, multi-award-winning publication that teaches a biblical worldview, with fascinating articles and a free 32-page kids’ magazine (also available as a separate subscription). This upcoming issue also features articles on:

  • What evolutionists get almost right.
  • Tips for understanding difficult Bible passages.
  • A new study that tweaks a popular creationist argument.
  • God’s incredible design in the clouds.
  • And so many more!

And this quarter’s issue of Kids Answers is all about the many jobs of man’s best friend, the canine! It includes stories, activities, a science experiment, animal facts, and much more. Kids love this unique magazine that is designed just for them.

Don’t miss out on this issue, or any other issue, of Answers magazine. Subscribe today.

Oh, and if that Galápagos trip piqued your interest, check out all of our upcoming Explore Excursions to join our team on one of those trips.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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