Identity Exhibit, Radiance, Is Coming to the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on February 21, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

What is the number one question young people are wrestling with these days? Well, it’s “Who am I?” Questions of identity are soaring, with identity-based content on social media platforms like TikTok garnering billions of views and internet searches like “Am I gay?” or “Am I trans?” jumping each year. And we want to help young people find their true identity—an identity grounded in God’s design from creation and the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s why we’re designing a brand-new exhibit for the Creation Museum—Radiance.

This beautiful new exhibit space will focus on our identity as an image of God’s glory. If you’re familiar with the Creation Museum layout, this new exhibit will go where our Discovery Hall currently is. (But don’t worry about the loss of classroom space—we will be getting brand-new indoor classrooms in our new conservatory area later this year and also where the current AiG offices are as they will be moving to our new HQ. We will continue to offer our free daily programs that guests love and even be able to expand them.)

This exhibit will be powerful for young people, pointing them to God’s Word as the unshakable foundation for their questions, including the question of “Who am I?”

This exhibit will be powerful for young people, pointing them to God’s Word as the unshakable foundation for their questions, including the question of “Who am I?” I am thrilled that we continue to produce cutting-edge exhibits that exalt God’s Word and deal with the big issues of our day.

These photos will give you an idea of what the new exhibit space will be like as our artists and fabricators make mock-ups to test their design.

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  • Identity exhibit concept art

Helpful Resources on Identity

But this isn’t all we’re doing to help young people with identity questions (as well as equip parents, grandparents, pastors, Christian school and Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, etc. with answers for themselves and for those they disciple). Our Executive CEO, Martyn Iles, has recently released a book called Who Am I? Solving the Identity Puzzle, and AiG already offers two books for children, Why Did God Make Me a Girl? and Why Did God Make Me a Boy? (both also available in Spanish), to help teach children about their purpose as either a boy or a girl.

Additionally, the theme for our 2024 Día Latino at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter (October 18 and 19) is ¿Cuál es tu Identidad? (What Is Your Identity?). This two-day event for Spanish-speakers will feature teaching on God’s design for humanity, including what it means to be a boy or a girl, a man or a woman. We’re thrilled to be able to offer this great biblical teaching in Spanish this fall.

Praise the Lord for these opportunities to present his truth to a world that is searching and hungry for answers!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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