Ken and Mally Go to Yellowstone—So What About All the Millions of Years on the Park Signs?

by Ken Ham on October 8, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Some of my wife’s and my favorite places in the US include Grand Teton National Park and the famous Yellowstone National Park. These parks are bursting with breathtaking views of God’s creation. And we recently had an opportunity to visit these amazing places with Martyn Iles (more on that in a moment). But when you visit these parks, you’ll read signs about millions of years of geological processes. How do we understand the geology of somewhere like Yellowstone in light of the history in God’s Word?

Well, Yellowstone is one of the best places in the world to see how overwhelmingly powerful volcanic eruptions and earth movements after the flood impacted the world. You see, the global flood described in Genesis was catastrophic (just imagine the fountains of the great deep bursting forth—the crust of the earth being violently ripped open all around the world!), and it took a while for the earth to settle down from this catastrophe. At Yellowstone, the rock record preserves the memory of post-flood super volcanoes, one of which left a crater that covers 1,500 square miles! And the 100,000 geysers, hot springs, and mud pots the park is famous for are caused by a chamber of hot magma that heats the water. That magma rose from deep in the earth during the flood, and 4,350 years later it’s still hot enough to cause Old Faithful to erupt over and over again.

Our world is broken, and we all deserve the punishment of death for our sin, but Jesus came to take our penalty for us when he died on the cross and rose again, defeating death.

Yellowstone and places like it are a testimony to the history in God’s Word. Really, they are a testimony of God’s judgment on a wicked world, but they’re also a reminder of beauty from brokenness. Our world is broken, and we all deserve the punishment of death for our sin, but Jesus came to take our penalty for us when he died on the cross and rose again, defeating death. Now all who believe in him are forgiven and granted eternal life. Yes, Yellowstone should remind you of the gospel!

So why were we out West? Well, Mally, Martyn, and I went to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, so Martyn and I could speak at Jackson Hole Bible College and Community Bible Church. The Bible college is run by the founding chairman of the Answers in Genesis board, Pastor Don Landis. Enjoy these photos of our recent visit.

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  • Ken and Mally at Yellowstone

Oh, and if you’re looking for a solid Christian college to send your student to, I encourage you to check out Jackson Hole Bible College. You can learn more about them on their website or, better yet, meet with their representatives at our upcoming Creation College Expo, November 2–4, 2023, at the Ark Encounter. Leading Christian colleges from across the nation—all of whom take a stand on the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis—will have booths at this event, and you can learn about a variety of schools and programs. This event is free for students in grades 7–12 and includes free Ark Encounter admission and teaching from AiG’s Martyn Iles, Avery Foley, Jessica DeFord (formerly Jaworski), and me, along with teaching from Mark Spence of Living Waters and special programming from three different colleges.

Don’t miss this event—register for free today.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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