Our Massive Summer Event Has Begun (And God Is Already Doing Great Things!)

by Ken Ham on August 3, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Just this week, artists performed in the first concert for the world’s largest Christian music festival—what we call “40/40” around here—otherwise known as 40 Days and 40 Nights of Christian Music at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. This massive festival features over 150 top artists with concerts every day and night for 40 days—wow! And it’s all happening now.

The featured groups for the very first concert were AiG’s resident artists, TrueSong, who give regular concerts at the Ark and Creation Museum, along with the popular groups Karen Peck & New River and Triumphant Quartet. People packed into the Answers Center for a record crowd the first day of this festival.

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  • 40 Days and 40 Nights of Christian Music

Each day during the concert program, a Bible teacher is also featured to teach God’s Word and give a gospel challenge. On the first evening of the festival, 103 responded to the challenge to commit their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive the free gift of salvation. Praise the Lord! Please join with us in praying for those who made a profession of faith—that they will get into God’s Word, find a Bible-believing church, and be discipled in their faith. (Yes, lots of unbelievers come to these concerts! It’s a wonderful outreach opportunity.)

There’s music everywhere!

In addition to concerts inside the Answers Center and in Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum (select days), there are also concerts from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. on the outdoor stage in Noah’s Village at the Ark each day of “40/40.” Yes, there’s music everywhere!

I do want to thank our major sponsor, Museum of the Bible, and our other sponsors, Singing at Sea, Singing News, and Christian Healthcare Ministries. Their support allows us to put on this tremendous event. If you’ve been to the Ark, you may have seen that the Museum of the Bible has a spectacular exhibit on the third deck of the Ark (their major Bible museum is located in Washington, DC). And a big thanks to Ray Flynn of Abraham Productions for his vision to bring this Christian music festival to the two leading Christian themed attractions in the world.

Included with Your Admission!

If you’re wondering how to attend “40/40,” it’s easy! The daily concerts are included with your admission to the attractions (and kids 10 and under are free!). To come to many (or all!) of the concerts, many of our guests will purchase our Annual Bouncer Pass that provides unlimited visits and free parking to both attractions for a full year. This allows guests to enjoy days and days (and nights!) of concerts as well as visit as many times as they want throughout the year, including taking in our stunning Christmas lights and programs in late November and December.

For a detailed schedule and other information, go to 40DaysOfChristianMusic.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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