Praise the Lord! A Record-Breaking Answers VBS Showcase

by Ken Ham on February 5, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

This past Saturday was a record-breaking day at the Ark Encounter. We host a Vacation Bible School showcase every year for VBS directors from across the nation to gather for a time of learning, fellowship, and getting ready to put on the best VBS ever. And this year’s event, for Keepers of the Kingdom, had record-breaking attendance!

We were so thankful to see hundreds of excited and passionate VBS volunteers gathering to discover what they can do to better reach the children in their churches and communities with the message of biblical authority and the gospel.

At our showcase this year, we hosted over 1,000 VBS directors and volunteers—nearly double our past record attendance. We were so thankful to see hundreds of excited and passionate VBS volunteers gathering to discover what they can do to better reach the children in their churches and communities with the message of biblical authority and the gospel. We pray (and please pray with us!) that tens of thousands of children this year will be impacted by the message that there is objective truth—that this truth is found in God’s Word, and that God has given us armor to protect us from the lies of our world. I personally believe the AiG VBS is the most powerful in the world.

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  • VBS showcase 2023

If you’d like to host a VBS this summer that teaches children rich truths from God’s Word, equips them to know what they believe and why, and is also very evangelistic, I encourage you to check out Keepers of the Kingdom. You can enjoy 15% off your purchase through March 31, 2023, with coupon code VBS23B at checkout.

You’ll love the rich theology, sound doctrine, Bible and gospel focus, fun music, exciting crafts, science experiments, games, the drama production, ease of use, and so much more that makes Answers VBS one of the top three programs in the world. This year, children will be taught how to put on the armor of God to survive in this pagan world. Visit to learn more and to order.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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