Two Anniversaries Today—What’s the Connection?

by Ken Ham on January 22, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

January 22 is an important anniversary date. Many people might know this day as a terrible anniversary—the day in 1973 when the Supreme Court of the United States handed down a ruling that resulted in the deaths of 66 million babies over the 49 years before it was overturned and given back to each state to decide (which means the voters through whom they vote for). To combat that horrible anniversary, January 22 has long been celebrated in America as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. But today is also another anniversary.

A Ham Family Anniversary

On January 22, 1987, Mally and I and our four young children arrived in Los Angeles from Australia to begin working for a time with Dr. Henry Morris and Dr. Duane Gish at the Institute for Creation Research. I was on loan from the ministry that had started in our house in Australia. However, after seven years, instead of us returning to Australia, God opened the door for Mark Looy, Mike Zovath, and me, along with our families, to move to Northern Kentucky to build the Creation Museum. And now we see what God did in starting the ministry of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter—ministries which directly impact over 30 million people a year and indirectly tens of millions more.

Our family has greatly changed too. We arrived in the USA with four children, and then the Lord gave us our little California girl. Now our family contains 5 children (4 married), which gave us 18 grandchildren, 1 grandchild married with our first great-grandchild on the way, and another grandchild getting married this year!

We had no idea what God had in store for us! But we look back and praise him for allowing us to be on this incredible journey.

People have often asked us if the ministry of AiG, the attractions, and all the outreaches were what we envisioned when we started the ministry in our home in Australia in 1977. My answer? “Absolutely not!” We had no idea what God had in store for us! But we look back and praise him for allowing us to be on this incredible journey.

What’s the Connection?

Now why do I bring up these two very different anniversaries? Well, there’s a connection! And that connection is found at the Creation Museum!

You see, the Creation Museum hosts the world’s most powerful and most unique pro-life exhibit—an exhibit that’s working to overturn the horrible legacy of Roe v. Wade that lingers in the minds of millions who aren’t sure what to think about abortion (or who maybe even support it) by showing thousands of guests each day that every life has value, life begins at fertilization, and abortion is taking the life of a human being (it’s murder).

Our Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit features a series of phenomenally detailed baby models showing the various stages of development, with an amazing “Pepper’s ghost” effect to highlight developing systems within the baby. Accompanying these models is a detailed developmental timeline, fascinating teaching on the placenta, biblical teaching on the value of life, touching personal stories, and more. It’s really a jaw-dropping exhibit, and it’s like nothing else in the world!

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  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Exhibit
The Lord is using this exhibit to change hearts and minds on the abortion issue and inspire people to boldly stand for life in our culture.

The Lord is using this exhibit to change hearts and minds on the abortion issue and inspire people to boldly stand for life in our culture. It’s also giving parents a wonderful opportunity to speak with their children about this vital issue and give them a theology of life!

Yes, today is an anniversary—the anniversary of a barbaric ruling that refused to recognize the right to life that every person, made in God’s image, deserves; and it’s the anniversary of a family obediently following the Lord to a new country and God’s blessing on that obedience, resulting, by his grace, in a ministry that is ardently pro-life (and biblically solid and gospel-centered) and is reaching millions of people each year with the message that every life—from the moment of fertilization—is made in God’s image and is fully human and therefore deserving of life.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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