We Couldn’t Find a Biblically Solid Pro-life Book for Kids—So We Wrote One!

by Ken Ham on January 15, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The Creation Museum hosts an incredibly powerful sanctity of life exhibit, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. This beautiful, unique pro-life exhibit features lifelike sculpted baby models in sequential stages from fertilization through birth, a developmental timeline, biblical and scientific teaching, and touching personal testimonies. Families love this exhibit, and it is having such a phenomenal impact on guests of all ages. So we wanted a resource for children that parents could take home to continue the pro-life conversation—but we couldn’t find one!

We looked for a children’s book that celebrated how fearfully and wonderfully created (Psalm 139:14) each life is, shared the biblical teaching that we’re created in the image of God, showed how a baby develops in the womb, presented the scientific facts about life, dealt with abortion in a kid-friendly way, and shared the gospel message. Whew—that’s a lot to ask for! And we couldn’t find anything like that anywhere that we could offer in our bookstores. So AiG’s Dr. Georgia Purdom (molecular geneticist and our Vice President of Educational Content) and Stacia McKeever (project manager for Answers VBS) teamed up to write just such a resource!

The result is a beautiful book for the whole family, Crafted by God: From Fertilization to Birth. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world.

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  • Crafted by God: From Fertilization to Birth front cover
As a family, you’ll trace the beautiful timeline of a baby’s development from fertilization to birth while you explore, in a kid-friendly way, the biblical teaching that every human life has value.

As a family, you’ll trace the beautiful timeline of a baby’s development from fertilization to birth while you explore, in a kid-friendly way, the biblical teaching that every human life has value. You’ll discover that we are each crafted by God to know him and to live for him—made in the image of God, created with great care and purpose, right from the beginning of our lives (fertilization).

This book is very interactive for children, with booklets, fold-outs, and other fun pages for kids to manipulate. Filled with Scripture and answers to the questions of our day, it’s a sanctity of life apologetic presented in a positive way for children. It’s really a celebration of the uniqueness of everyone and how much our Creator loves us (so much that he died for our sins—yes, the gospel is powerfully presented!).

Whether you’ve been to our incredible Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit at the Creation Museum or not, please get this resource into your children’s hands. They need to hear the message that we are crafted by God and made in his image from the moment of fertilization.

Find this exciting new resource at AnswersBookstore.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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