Ready to Find the College That’s Right for You?

by Ken Ham on June 15, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Choosing a college is an important decision. With so many factors involved, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Well, we want to help take some of the difficulty out of the process for you with our unique Creation College Expo, November 3–5, 2022, at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky, south of Cincinnati.

If you’re considering a quality Christian post-secondary education for your student, bring them to our free Creation College Expo. At the Expo, they can meet one-on-one with representatives from a wide variety of schools from across the US, view program options, and even learn about our exciting paid internship program, Embark, for when they are ready for that step in their educational journey.

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  • Creation College Expo

Now how does this make your task of choosing a school easier?

  1. You know going in that each school holds to a biblical creation worldview, taking a stand on the age of the earth and a literal Genesis. Sadly, most Christian colleges undermine the authority of God’s Word by teaching positions that compromise the truth of God’s Word, including evolution and millions of years.
  2. Everything is in one place! You don’t have to jump around to different websites, looking for answers to your questions about programs, extracurriculars, and financial aid. You can just visit each booth and speak to the representative.
  3. You’ll discover schools you’ve never heard of that offer a quality education with small class sizes. There’s really no better place to learn about good, solid Christian schools than at this event!
  4. You will get to be with around 2,000 other like-minded young people.

Don’t miss this free event—your Creation College student in grades 7–12 even receives free Ark Encounter admission! Immediate family members receive a 20% discount on admission to the Ark Encounter. At the Creation Museum, students and their families receive a 20% discount on admission to the (located just 45 minutes north of the Ark), and all children ten and under enjoy free admission to both attractions this year!

For planning purposes, we do ask you to preregister your student on our events page, so be sure to register right away.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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