Zoomerang Showcase Videos Now Available on YouTube

by Ken Ham on March 20, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

In January, Answers in Genesis held a two-day conference with teaching, workshops, and displays to help equip Vacation Bible School directors and volunteers who will be using AiG’s powerful 2022 Answers VBS program, Zoomerang: Returning to the Value of Life. This is a powerful, Aussie-themed sanctity of life VBS for children to understand the value of life from fertilization through to old age.

This event was hosted in the 2,500-seat Answers Center at the Ark Encounter in N. Kentucky, and hundreds of VBS directors and volunteers enjoyed keynote teaching sessions, how-to workshops, shopping with a special discount, and more. It was a wonderful time of fun, excitement, and tools for hosting the best VBS possible.

  • Zoomerang Showcase Event
  • Zoomerang Showcase Event
  • Zoomerang Showcase Event
  • Zoomerang Showcase Event
  • Zoomerang Showcase Event
  • Zoomerang Showcase Event
  • Zoomerang Showcase Event
  • Zoomerang Showcase Event class=
  • Zoomerang Showcase Event
  • Zoomerang Showcase Event
It’s a great way to catch the excitement of our sanctity of life VBS and equip yourself to lead and serve with excellence.

And you can enjoy the teaching sessions from both our VBS Showcase and our Life Is Precious conference from home. If you’re involved with Zoomerang (or you just want to get answers when it comes to the sanctity of life), I encourage you to view these presentations and share them with the rest of your VBS team. It’s a great way to catch the excitement of our sanctity of life VBS and equip yourself to lead and serve with excellence.

You can find all of these videos on our YouTube channel and in the Digital Pro library. (And be sure to save the date for next year’s VBS event—January 27–28, 2023!)

I believe our VBS is the most powerful of such programs in the world as we teach apologetics, biblical authority, and the gospel—it is very evangelistic. Each VBS includes science experiments and helps equip children for today’s world that is becoming increasingly antagonistic to biblical truth.

And if you’re looking for something to add the “wow factor” to your VBS program, consider our Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Wall Display. This six-panel wall highlights the growth of an unborn baby with hyperrealistic, life-size images, biblical and scientific truth about unborn life, and the gospel message. Printed on sturdy, removable, and reusable vinyl, it’s a resource that your church will love and use long beyond this summer’s Zoomerang.

Learn more about Zoomerang at AnswersVBS.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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