“I Cannot Stress Enough How Pleased I am to Recommend This Commentary to All Parents”

by Ken Ham on January 9, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

A few months ago, we released my devotional commentary on Genesis chapters 1–11, Creation to Babel: A Commentary for Families. I’m excited to announce this book completely sold out of the first printing, but second and third printings are on their way (held up until the first week of February because of supply chain issues and labor shortages)! Praise the Lord that many families now have a biblically faithful commentary on the first chapters of Genesis that glorifies the Creator, answers virtually all the questions I’ve been asked on Genesis over forty years, and points them to Christ.

A blog called Expository Parenting recently wrote a thorough review of my commentary that I thought I would share with you. You can read the entire post on that website, but here are some highlights:

By providing a condensed and non-academic, devotional-style format, it fulfills its intended purpose: equipping families. It’s designed for kids who need foundational answers. It’s designed for moms discipling their children throughout the day. It’s designed for dads leading their families in worship and Bible time at the dinner table . . .

“What I most appreciate about the conversational nature of this commentary is that it allows readers to interact with the foundational matters of Genesis naturally, as the matters arise while working through the text.”

What I most appreciate about the conversational nature of this commentary is that it allows readers to interact with the foundational matters of Genesis naturally, as the matters arise while working through the text.

[W]ith a more devotional format, Ken is able to walk the reader through a passage that brings about a particular objection, explain the logical thought process behind asking and answering it, and set forth the biblical answer accompanied by supporting Scripture (and scientific discovery as appropriate). In my opinion, this provides far more benefit than just a direct question and answer format because it helps shape how we derive our answers, rather than just providing the answer itself. It equips parents to teach their kids not only what Christians should think, but how Christians should think—all in the course of verse-by-verse discipleship.

Secondly, I cannot overstate my appreciation for the connections to Christ throughout this book . . .

Ken does a great job showing just how important these opening chapters in Genesis are when it comes to contemporary issues. For example, in Chapter 17 which covers Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel, Ken talks about the origin of various cultures and has several sections talking about the issue of “race.” . . .

Finally, I appreciated the reference material folded into the commentary. Whether it’s timelines of Adam’s descendants and days of the Flood, or charts of ancient units of measure and the Table of Nations, or quotations from some of the greats of church history like John Calvin and Martyn Lloyd-Jones, the commentary provides a helpful—but not overwhelming—amount of additional information when and where it’s useful to understanding the text.

Expository Parenting Ministries is committed to equipping and encouraging parents to disciple their children verse by verse through the full counsel of God’s Word, and the most important (and obvious) place to begin that vital work is with the book of Genesis. At the same time, parents who are just beginning to disciple their children are usually the ones who feel the most uncomfortable and least prepared to do so. Thus, what parents who are just beginning are the ones who most need an accessible commentary on Genesis. For Ken Ham’s commentary to be clear, straightforward, readable, apologetics-based, and committed to the literal interpretation of the most fundamental book in the Bible means it will meet parents right where they’re at and get them started on a journey through Scripture with their children in a way that will immediately encourage and equip them.

“For that reason, I cannot stress enough how pleased I am to recommend this commentary to all parents.”

For that reason, I cannot stress enough how pleased I am to recommend this commentary to all parents. Let me put it this way: if you were to ask me how and where to begin discipling your children verse by verse, I would say, “Start in Genesis, and get Ken Ham’s commentary.”

What a wonderful review of our new AiG resource! I’m so thrilled that it’s available (I’d been wanting to write it for years) and that so many parents will be able to use it to lay a solid foundation of belief in God’s Word and a Christian worldview for their children. I encourage you to order your copy today (the second printing begins shipping next month) and begin studying through the foundational chapters of Genesis with your children.

Find Creation to Babel at AnswersBookstore.com. It will be shipped as soon as new supplies arrive in early February. When you order before the book arrives back in stock in February, you’ll enjoy a free copy of the eBook you can start reading right away.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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