I’m so excited to announce a special event coming exclusively to the Answers Center, our 2,500-seat auditorium at the Ark Encounter. Really, it’s Hollywood (well, a Christian part of Hollywood, that is) coming to the Ark! And you can be part of it. Okay, what do I mean?
Following its September 24 release in theaters across America, the Ark Encounter will host an exclusive red-carpet screening on October 5, 2021.
Well, ten years ago, the well-known filmmakers the Kendrick brothers released the powerful movie Courageous. This film inspired many fathers (in particular) to step up and lead their families in a godly fashion. In honor of the ten-year anniversary of Courageous, the film has been remastered, with new scenes added, and is being re-released as Courageous: Legacy. Following its September 24 release in theaters across America, the Ark Encounter will host an exclusive red-carpet screening on October 5. The entire leading cast of the film will be in attendance—and you can be there, too!
This red-carpet screening will kick off our Answers for Pastors and Leaders conference, and all registered conference attendees can attend for free.
This red-carpet screening will kick off our Answers for Pastors and Leaders conference, and all registered conference attendees can attend for free. The theme of Courageous: Legacy is a great tie-in to our conference theme, “Raising Godly Generations.” We will be equipping pastors, their wives, youth pastors, Sunday school teachers, parents, grandparents, and others with biblical tools for training up the next generation in the Lord. This conference is open to everyone, and we strongly urge parents to attend—you will be equipped and encouraged to better raise your children in the Lord.
There will be special music from Michael O’Brien, and I'll be presenting along with these dynamic speakers:
Your registration includes all conference sessions, a complimentary seven-day pass to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum (45 minutes away), and entrance into the exclusive Courageous: Legacy red-carpet screening with cast and crew. The Ark is south of Cincinnati.
You can learn more about the upcoming film at CourageoustheMovie.com and register for “Raising Godly Generations” on our events page.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.