Be Part of the AiG Outreach Team at the Iowa State Fair

by Ken Ham on June 23, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Be part of an AiG outreach this August 12–22, 2021, at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa. Why a state fair in Iowa? Well, over one million people will gather for this event! And that’s one million people who need to hear God’s Word and the saving gospel. So a team of evangelists from Answers in Genesis is headed to Iowa to share the good news of the gospel—and you can volunteer to be part of this team.

Tony Ramsek is an AiG staff member with a deep passion for reaching the lost with the gospel message and has been leading evangelism events for AiG for over twenty years. Christians who desire to learn how to share their faith are also encouraged and mentored by many other experienced evangelists at the outreach.

These photos share what this phenomenal gospel opportunity looks like:

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  • Iowa State Fair

We’re offering everyone who signs up as a volunteer for the gospel booth our Creation Apologetics online course for free (a $49 value)! They’ll also enjoy a free copy of Will Our Generation Speak?, an inspiring book on biblical evangelism (repeat volunteers will be sent the companion Study Guide for free).

Go Deeper with a Witnessing Training Camp

Get equipped for the Iowa State Fair at Testify, a four-day camp (with overnight accommodations) that gives you witnessing training, combined with hands-on practice during the Iowa State Fair outreach event. Two Testify camps will be run by Tomorrow’s Forefathers in a collaborative effort with Answers in Genesis.

For the first camp, August 12–16, Eddie Roman, a Christian evangelist from Living Waters/Way of the Master will be teaching on how to present the gospel with boldness and accuracy. He is the author of Search N Rescue, and the producer/director of The Way of the Master television program hosted by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.

For the second camp, August 19–23, AiG’s Roger Patterson (a former Mormon) will be sharing specifically about reaching people in various world religions, including Mormonism, Islam, etc.

Each morning of Testify begins with evangelism training, then an afternoon of putting it into practice at the Iowa State Fair at the Answers in Genesis booth. Here’s what you’ll enjoy at Testify:

  • Practical training in witnessing and apologetics
  • The fellowship of witnessing together at the Answers in Genesis gospel booth inside the fair
  • One-on-one coaching and the opportunity to glean tips from others
  • Evening fellowship, sharing of reports, and Q & A

Along the way, you’ll learn how to

  • Transition conversations with unbelievers from natural to spiritual topics
  • Think biblically about evangelism
  • Pass out gospel tracts with confidence and skill
  • Use creation apologetics as a starting point
  • Be winsome and gentle
  • Use questions to generate discussion with unbelievers

Two training camps are taking place, August 12–16, 2021, and August 19–23, 2021, but space is limited, so be sure to register right away.

To register for the Iowa State outreach without attending the training camp, please visit the registration page.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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