Science Lab at the Ark Encounter Now Fully Funded!

by Ken Ham on June 16, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Here at Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum, we’ve always had an emphasis on training children in the knowledge of the Lord and equipping them to believe and defend God’s Word from the very first verse. To help us do that, we’re adding a full, state-of-the-art lab to the lower level of the Answers Center. Well, I’m very excited to announce that the lab is now fully funded, thanks to your generosity!

We’ve ordered the equipment, and once it arrives and is installed, we will have a state-of-the-art lab to teach high school science labs, Explore programs, and more down at the Ark.

A number of months ago, we were given funds from generous donors to finish the lower level of the Answers Center. We finished this level with flexible rooms to help provide more programs for children and teens. And one of the rooms in the lower level will be a science lab! But we needed extra funds to finish it, and our supporters generously donated—and now that lab is fully funded! We’ve ordered the equipment, and once it arrives and is installed, we will have a state-of-the-art lab to teach high school science labs, Explore programs, and more down at the Ark. This means we can offer one-week lab intensives for out-of-town high school students. So many families have shared how excited they are for this opportunity.

This science lab will be able to accommodate 48 students with all the necessary microscopes and stereoscopes, general lab equipment (glassware, dissection kits, safety ware, chemicals), a safety chemical cabinet, vacuum hood, lab stations (benches and stools), cabinets for the walls, smartboard, monitors, AV, and special blue tooth devices with sensors for data analysis—a phenomenal teaching tool for the students.

The purchase of this lab equipment is vital to helping children and teens to hear the message that there is no real “science vs. the Bible” conflict—science confirms the Bible from the very first verse. Thank you so much for your generosity and willingness to pour into the next generation.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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