Lighting Up the Ark for Rare Disease Day 2021

by Ken Ham on February 28, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Today, the last day of February, is Rare Disease Day. This day consists of global events to raise awareness among the general public, as well as researchers and policy-makers, about rare diseases and “their impact on patients’ lives.” The colors associated with this event are pink, purple, blue, and green, so we decided to light the life-size Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter up in those colors in honor of the day and because we have the ultimate hope for those suffering with a rare disease—the truth of God’s Word and the gospel message. Throughout the year, we change the lighting on the Ark (it’s all computer controlled) to coincide with various events and seasons.

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  • Ark Encounter in Rare Disease Day Colors

So what is the ultimate hope for those living with a rare disease? Well, God’s Word gives us the answer for those individuals, as well as everyone else. God originally created a perfect world (Genesis 1:31), but it was marred by man’s sin—death, suffering, and disease became a part of creation when man sinned against God. A world filled with death and disease isn’t the way God designed it to be! It’s a result of our sin in Adam and our continued sin that broke God’s once “very good” creation.

Our biggest problem isn’t our pain, suffering, or diseases—it’s our sin that separates us from God.

Our biggest problem isn’t our pain, suffering, or diseases—it’s our sin that separates us from God. Yet God provided the solution to our ultimate sin problem, as well as the ultimate answer to our temporal pain and suffering. He sent his Son, Jesus, the God-man, to earth to live the perfect life we can’t live. He then died on the cross in our place and took our penalty of death upon himself. He then rose from the grave. He now offers the forgiveness of sins and eternal life in heaven—where pain, suffering, tears, and death will be forever done away with—to all who repent and put their faith and trust in him.

Yes, we have the ultimate hope for all—the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can learn more about the biblical answer to the question of death and suffering, and the hope we can have in Christ, in my book, How Could a Loving God?, available on our bookstore or to read for free on our website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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