Have you spotted any of our giraffe family ads yet? To help promote our Ark Encounter themed attraction and encourage visitors to come and see the full-size Noah’s Ark—and hear the gospel and biblical authority message—we’ve launched a series of ads featuring members of the giraffe family: George, Gloria, Gracie, and Junior. These cute ads encourage families to visit and give us “mascots” for people to associate with the Ark.
No other animal is more associated with the account of Noah’s ark and the flood than giraffes.
The reason we chose giraffes is that no other animal is more associated with the account of Noah’s ark and the flood than giraffes. Now, most people think of them as sticking out the top of an overloaded “bathtub ark”—using giraffes to show the scale of the Ark also helps us combat the popular notion that the animals couldn’t fit in the Ark.
Here are two of these ads:
We’re also producing plush toys of the giraffe family that I think will be very popular in the Ark Encounter gift shop (my grandkids already want the full set!). Here are the prototypes in various sizes:
We have wrapped one of the buses at the Ark Encounter, a vehicle that transports people from the parking lot to the full-sized Ark with our giraffe “mascots,” and I’ve included the concept for a second bus wrapping:
We’re excited to use this fun giraffe family to help more people hear about the Ark Encounter and come visit us in N. Kentucky so they can be impacted for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Plan your visit—and remember kids ten and under visit for free at both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum (only 40 interstate miles away) in 2021—at ArkEncounter.com.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.