Huge Announcement: Biggest Matching Gift in Answers in Genesis History!

by Ken Ham on November 6, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

A few days ago, we announced to our supporters the biggest matching gift in Answers in Genesis history—a $3.5 million-dollar match! The Lord has raised up a family foundation to offer a $3.5 million matching gift challenge between now and December 31, doubling the impact of core ministry gifts! This offer will help the AiG ministry tremendously as we approach the winter months, a time when we need to have stored up the necessary resources for our daily costs (because of the COVID shutdown).

This providential match offer will also help fund a powerful, new museum exhibit about Israel during the time of Jesus. It will greatly help put the entire New Testament in context for our guests. This exhibit, Borderland, will be located outside our Christ, Cross, and Consummation exhibit. I believe it will make people excited to go home and re-read their New Testament!

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  • Borderland Exhibit Concept Art

The matching gift challenge will also help us launch some amazing projects like our new Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC) for homeschool, our expanded ABC for Sunday school, and our next Answers Vacation Bible School. All of these projects are vital in reaching the next generation with a biblical worldview and the gospel.

Please prayerfully consider giving towards Answers in Genesis so we can make the most of this exciting gift matching offer. You can give today at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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