Abortion and a Nation of Death

by Ken Ham on September 15, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

America is dying. It has been dying for some time. We have been watching the spiritual death of a nation as we have seen the following actions:

  • The God of the Bible has been basically eliminated from government schools.
  • The religion of evolution is taught as fact to generations of kids.
  • The religion of atheism has become the state religion as generations are taught everything in the universe is explained by naturalism (atheism).
  • Crosses, nativity scenes, and other symbols associated with Christianity have been removed from public places.
  • An obsession with the religion of death is growing—the death of millions of children by abortion and the death of the elderly and infirmed by euthanasia.

Why Did This Happen?

Right now, from a human perspective, the church is fighting for its very life in the West.

In many ways, I believe it’s the fault of the church. Right now, from a human perspective, the church is fighting for its very life in the West. Now don’t misunderstand, as I know and believe that Jesus said: “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). The church, the body of God’s people worldwide, was raised up by God to proclaim the light of his Word to the nations. But we are seeing an exodus of the younger generations from the church. And in the USA, church attendance has dropped from 56% of the Greatest Generation (those who experienced the Great Depression and were adults during World War 2) to only 18% of Millennials (Generation Y), and even less for Generation Z, who are twice as atheistic as any previous generation.

However, much of the church today is permeated by problems such as:

  • The majority of churches/church leaders/academics have compromised God’s Word in Genesis with evolutionary ideas/millions of years.
  • Much teaching is very shallow—the church is lukewarm.
  • Most don’t teach apologetics and how to have a truly biblical worldview.
  • Most make music the dominant feature over the teaching of the Word.
  • Most church leaders have condoned (or been silent about) parents delegating their responsibility to train kids to the Sunday school teachers, youth pastors, public school teachers, etc.
  • Many accept gay “marriage” and even abortion.

Yes! The culture and much of the church is dying spiritually.

Moral relativism permeates how they live because generations have been taught that they should do what is right in their own eyes.

A consequence of all this is that many in the younger generations, particularly Generations X, Y, and Z are very secularized in their worldview. Moral relativism permeates how they live because generations have been taught that they should do what is right in their own eyes. One result of this rejection of God’s Word and acceptance of moral relativism is the devaluing of life, particularly the lives of those in the womb and the elderly.

To help justify selfishness and increasing sexual freedom—devoid of the absolutes of God’s Word concerning the nature of human beings and the place for sex within marriage—abortion (the killing of children in the womb) has become the order of the day. It’s really a death cult. It’s a blight on this nation. Around 65 million children have been sentenced to death by abortion since 1973 in the USA.

Yes, as it has turned away from belief in the authority of the Bible, America has rapidly become a nation of death. Join us in declaring the creation-based gospel of Jesus and proclaiming life!

AiG—A Pro-life Ministry

To help confront our nation on this issue, a new and powerful Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Sanctity of Life) exhibit is to be opened to the public at the Creation Museum on September 25, 2020. Come and equip your family to help fight this death cult that is an abomination to our Creator God.

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  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Exhibit
People have value in God’s eyes, including precious lives in the womb.

Occasionally people ask us why we are so vocal in proclaiming the sanctity of life and opposing abortion, suggesting we may have stepped outside the book of Genesis. Not so, for all people are image bearers of our Creator, as recorded in Genesis 1. People have value in God’s eyes, including precious lives in the womb.

AiG’s pro-life efforts were even acknowledged back in 1997 when founder Ken Ham received the annual Dominus Vitae (“Lord of Life”) award at a national conference and spoke there. In his talk, Ken pointed out that abortion is not the real problem—it is actually a symptom. The real problem is a culture that has largely departed from the authority of God’s Word and now exalts man’s opinions instead.

In giving the award, the presenter noted that Ken “along with scientists, biologists, and theologians [at AiG] . . . equip us with a sure defense in our battle for life.” AiG’s brilliant research team along with talented designers are putting the final touches on the Creation Museum’s eye-opening pro-life exhibit Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Psalm 139:14).

This stunning, high-tech display features striking 3D models to show the development of a child in the womb and to present the fascinating research from AiG anatomist Dr. David Menton. As with all the museum’s exhibits, the pro-life message will be presented powerfully, beautifully, and with grace, concluding with the gospel message.

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  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Exhibit

Come and experience the top two religious museums in the USA! Be sure to visit us online at ArkEncounter.com and CreationMuseum.org for full updates and hours. And please pray that we will be able to continue to impact the millions who need to know that the Bible is true!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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