“Up from the grave he arose!” is a glorious line from a 19th-century hymn that many of us have sung over the years.
Easter Sunday morning is such a wonderful reminder of the victory of Christ over death and the hope we as believers have for now and eternity. Singing the glorious hymns of celebration, reading the resurrection account, and reflecting on what it means for us never gets old—how could it? It’s the most important event in history!
Download The 10 Minute Bible Journey Easter accounts for free today!
As you celebrate the resurrection of our Lord today (as we should every day), enjoy listening to three chapters from The 10-Minute Bible Journey, an excellent book by Dale Mason that gives the big picture of Scripture, in chronological order, in 52 short reads. These Easter accounts take you through Jesus’ final week, death, burial, resurrection from the grave, and ascension to the Father’s side. It’s a great way to focus your heart on what we’re celebrating today. And while the country is shut down and so many people around the world are confined to their homes, use this time as a family to enjoy this free resource we are providing you.
In addition to the audiobook chapters, this free download includes the e-book chapters and coloring sheets for the kids.
You can find the full audiobook and entire book on our online store, AnswersBookstore.com.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.