Enjoy Two Gifts from Answers in Genesis

by Ken Ham on December 24, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Thank you to each of you who have supported Answers in Genesis! You have blessed us this past year, and we want to say thank you for your ongoing support of this cutting-edge ministry. A lot has happened this year, and we praise and thank our Lord for it. We opened the Answers Center, a 2,500-seat multi-purpose center at the Ark Encounter. We opened three new exhibit areas at the Creation Museum (that’s one-third of the museum, totally upgraded and renovated). We finished fundraising for our planetarium upgrade (opening spring of 2020). Those are just some of the blessings we received at AiG, and there are many more. It’s only because of God’s grace and your support that any of those were possible. And, to say thank you, we’re offering you two gifts!

Enjoy a free download of one of my presentations from our 2018 Answers for Pastors conference, The Clarity of Scripture (a $9.99 value). This presentation, which many people said was powerful, stresses an essential doctrine—God’s Word is clear in its basic teachings. Yes, there are some hard passages, but, overall, God’s Word is abundantly clear and understandable for everyone. Many Christians are now teaching you can’t understand the Bible (especially Genesis!) without specialized training, a theology degree, or detailed background knowledge of the Ancient Near East. But that’s simply not true—God’s Word is clear and is for all people for all time.

The second free download is for your young children and grandchildren. Enjoy an animated version of my children’s book, A is for Adam (a $9.99 value). This fun video shares the gospel, beginning in Genesis. It’s a great way for your children to learn the timeline of history, beginning with creation and ending with the new heavens and new earth, focusing on Christ and what he has done for us.

Be encouraged with these two free Bible-affirming resources! You can find them on this page of AnswersBookstore.com. (Get your free downloads in the US online store.) Thank you so much for your support and Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas shopping!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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