Thousands of Students Learn About Creation Colleges at the Ark Encounter

by Ken Ham on November 12, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We just wrapped up another successful Creation College Expo. This time it was held in the massive Answers Center at the Ark Encounter. This event saw dozens of Christian colleges from across the United States—all of which take a stand on a literal Genesis, a young earth, and a global flood, as AiG does—gathered in one place, so students could speak to representatives and learn about the various schools and their programs. It was a great event!

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  • 2019 Creation College Expo

As the Expo was starting, and the thousands of registered students were beginning to arrive, I did a Facebook Live video from the Answers Center, explaining what the Expo was all about, and showing the various booths. You can watch that below:

You can find information about all these schools, and more, at

Save the date for next year’s Creation College Expo, November 6–7, 2020, taking place once again at the Ark Encounter, south of Cincinnati. All registered students (grades 7–12) receive free admission to the Expo and the Ark Encounter, and their families receive discounted tickets to tour the inside of the Ark. It’s a great event, and there’s no other Expo quite like it. We hope to see you there!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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