Tour the Grand Canyon from a Biblical Perspective

by Ken Ham on October 9, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We recently had a special guest speaker at one of our regular staff meetings, Jon Albert, the head of Canyon Ministries. This ministry conducts tours of the Grand Canyon that teach geology from a Christian worldview, from the foundation of the Genesis accounts of creation and the global flood. And you can join them for a bus or hiking tour in Northern Arizona.

Over the years, AiG has held several dozen raft trips on the Colorado River and through the Canyon with Canyon Ministries. I’ve been on one of the shorter raft trips, and it was a thrill. Staff geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling and historian of geology and theologian Dr. Terry Mortenson have been on dozens of these raft trips with Canyon Ministries. Other AiG speakers and researchers, including astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner and popular speaker Bryan Osborne, have also led several of these trips.

Ken, Jon, and Andrew

Jon met Ken Ham and AiG geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling.

This ministry complements ours in a specialty area by running these educational tours at the Grand Canyon (with teaching based on flood geology).

Our 2020 raft trips are already sold out (they have been for a while!). But I encourage you to look at the possibility of taking a rim tour on one of Jon’s small buses (seating 13 people each) or taking a guided hike and discovering how the remarkable Grand Canyon confirms the biblical history. If you'd like to join a raft trip that is sold out, you can be added to the waitlist at

We’re thrilled to be able to work with other like-minded organizations, like Canyon Ministries. This ministry complements ours in a specialty area by running these educational tours at the Grand Canyon (with teaching based on flood geology). We highly recommend these tours to our supporters.

Find out more about this excellent ministry at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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