Homeschoolers—Join Us for Our High School Labs

by Ken Ham on February 27, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Homeschoolers (and all parents who want their teens to learn from a biblical worldview perspective): we have an exciting opportunity for you! Many homeschoolers miss out on hands-on science lab experiences during their high school years. At AiG, our labs are very helpful and can encourage young people who are science-inclined to pursue a science field during their post-secondary years. To give homeschoolers the option of a hands-on lab, we’re offering high-school labs through our upcoming educational science labs.

These labs feature world-class instructors, hands-on experiments, and more. And, of course, everything is taught through the lens of a biblical worldview. Our biology labs for the 2018–2019 school year were very popular, and for the 2019–2020 school year, we’re offering:

Each lab is 12 sessions spread throughout the school year, with two hands-on labs each session—for a total of 24 labs.
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Forensic Science
  • Physics

Each lab is 12 sessions spread throughout the school year, with two hands-on labs each session—for a total of 24 labs. Classes are small (limited to 30 students) to give each student the benefit of a small teacher-student ratio.

Our educational science lab is currently under construction near the Creation Museum. We’re excited for the first group of students to arrive for their labs in September. They’re sure to enjoy learning and doing science in this new facility.

Learn more about our high school labs, and register soon to secure your student's spot.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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