A recent article by a secular blogger claimed that children who aren’t taught evolution won’t get that spark of interest that propels them to become scientists. Well, at Answers in Genesis we don’t believe that you need to be taught and believe evolution in order to be passionate about discovering more about what God has made. And this certainly bears true throughout history—many of the greatest scientists of all time were Christians who studied nature for God’s glory (and many of them lived at the time of Darwin)! We want more scientists like that, and that’s why we hold our Explore Days and Explore 5-Day Summer Camp at the Creation Museum.
Learn more about the Creation Museum's Explore Days.
Explore Days are full-day workshops focused on a specific branch or discipline of science. They include hands-on activities, visual presentations, and guest speakers. It’s exploratory science learning—taught through the lens of a biblical worldview. There’s no greater way to inspire young people to study science than for them to do it and make discoveries for themselves. These workshops are extremely popular—and kids and parents give us rave reviews.
Each of our Explore Days (designed for students in grades 4–12) features one of these fascinating fields of study:
We hope one of these Explore days will spark a lifelong interest and passion for science in your child. And if your young person wants more than just one day of interactive science, we invite them to join us for the Explore 5-Day Summer Camp. During this day camp, campers in grades 4–12 will enjoy 20 hands-on science workshops, along with teaching from experts. They’ll even get to spend one night sleeping inside our Creation Museum as they study astronomy. It’s a wonderful opportunity for your young person to learn about and do science from a biblical perspective.
And, new this year, we have a special three-day forensics camp, taught by a forensic scientist. Campers will explore fingerprints, fingerprint processing, DNA, trace analysis (hair and fibers), impressions (shoe and dental), crime scene recording, and document examination, all from a biblical worldview.
Visit the Explore page on our Creation Museum website to learn more, see a full schedule, and register your child. Spots fill up very quickly, so register early to avoid disappointment.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.