Rainbow Gardens Open at the Ark Encounter

by Ken Ham on June 24, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Things continue to expand at the Ark Encounter here in Northern Kentucky. Our horticultural team is hard at work beautifying the grounds with a wide variety of plants (many of which they’ve grown in our greenhouse). And our grounds crew has also been adding sun shelters and picnic tables where guests can enjoy their food or rest. These hard-working crews have turned a once rocky, barren ridge into a beautiful Rainbow Garden.

Here’s what this ridge looked like just a few weeks ago:

Rainbow Gardens Before

As you can see in these photos, our crews have put a tremendous amount of work into making this ridge look beautiful and relaxing.

Rainbow Gardens at the Ark Encounter Rainbow Gardens at the Ark Encounter Rainbow Gardens at the Ark Encounter

The Rainbow Gardens are designed to remind people of the rainbow and God’s promise that he would never flood the earth again. We can trust God’s promises!

We also have another new addition down at the Ark—colorful tropical birds in the enclosures along Monument Walk. These cute, colorful birds have been a popular addition for people of all ages who stop to enjoy their antics and pretty colors.

Birds at the Ark Encounter Bird the Ark Encounter Birds at the Ark Encounter

I encourage you to plan a trip to the Ark, and to our world-class sister attraction, the Creation Museum, 45 minutes away. Even if you’ve already visited, you’ll be amazed at all the changes that have taken place since we opened. We’re excited for other changes and upgrades still to come! The ark is conveniently located within a one-day drive of almost two-thirds of the US population, at exit 154 off well-traveled I-75 (it runs from the Canadian/Michigan border to southern Florida), south of Cincinnati.

Plan your visit at ArkEncounter.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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