We’re expanding again at the Ark Encounter. Near the Ark, we’re building a 2,500-seat auditorium that will allow us to host workshops, conferences, special speakers, and other programs. Though Legacy Hall, our auditorium at the Creation Museum, seats 900, this bigger auditorium at the Ark will allow us to host even larger events here in Northern Kentucky.
Construction has started on this new auditorium, scheduled to be open summer of 2018. (See the auditorium location in yellow in the picture below.)
Next summer, July 16–20, 2018, we will be hosting our first conference at the Ark Encounter in our new auditorium. Equipping Families to Stand features keynotes from our friends Dennis and Barbara Rainey from FamilyLife, the ministry that deals with topics such as marriage, the family, and raising children. As well as the Raineys, we will feature a number of our AiG speakers, and I will also be presenting.
Find Out More
Registration includes a 7-day pass for all registered family members to both the Ark and the nearby Creation Museum (located just 45 minutes north of the Ark). You’ll enjoy hearing the solid apologetics teaching, touring both of our world-class attractions, and strolling through the Ararat Ridge Zoo (which is also being expanded). While at these attractions, you might consider doing some extra things, too, like riding camels, experiencing the zip lines, and more. You can register for the family conference on our website.
Plan your visit at ArkEncounter.com.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.