Arabic-Language TV Producers Visit the Ark Encounter

by Ken Ham on September 8, 2017
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Recently, some very special guests visited the Ark Encounter. Mr. Nizar Shaheen, originally from Nazareth but now living in Canada, and Dr. Nagy Iskander, a medical doctor originally from Egypt but now living in Scotland, came to film some apologetics-based TV content at the Ark Encounter Christian themed attraction.

Mr. Shaheen produces Arabic TV programs from Canada that are broadcast in the Middle East through Light for All Nations. Dr. Iskander also produces Arabic-language TV programming, runs an Arabic evangelistic apologetics website, and speaks on apologetics (he was recently in Cairo, Egypt, speaking at a seminary that has greatly compromised on Genesis—just as most seminaries do in the United States). Since US customs wouldn’t let Mr. Shaheen’s video equipment across the border, two AiG staff members filmed the videos.

Filming at the Ark Filming at the Ark

After their visit to the Ark, the team headed to the Creation Museum. We’re excited that these two attractions, which equip Christians with answers and challenge unbelievers with the truth of God’s Word, will have an impact in the Middle East. Please join us in praying that many people will hear the message and be encouraged to read and trust God’s Word and its gospel message.

You can view a number of videos on creation apologetics in the Arabic language on the Kingdom Sat website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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