It seems whenever we do something to equip Christians and challenge a secular and evolutionary worldview, atheists and secularists get upset about it. Why? Because they hate what we’re doing and proclaiming! They don’t want to see their own worldview challenged or people being taught to think critically about what they hear. And they certainly object to Christians disseminating information so broadly! They just can’t tolerate when we exercise such freedom of speech!
Well, our popular live program, Answers News on Facebook, hasn’t been without its critics either. These opponents are intolerant of anything Christian and continue to show their hatred for God as they mock and attack our ministry, including our twice-weekly Facebook live program, Answers News.
Answers News looks at hot-button culture and science news items from a distinctly biblical perspective. And we’re excited to announce that Answers News will now be filmed before a live studio audience in Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum.
We have been broadcasting from a small studio in the Answers in Genesis’ offices for several months now, and plan to move from the studio to a brand-new set our designers have prepared on stage in the museum’s Legacy Hall. We will have more flexibility in the format of the show, but additionally, we will be allowing museum guests to be part of our live studio audience. (Museum guests should check the Creation Museum calendar since there will be days—rare exceptions—when Legacy Hall will be used for a conference and so Answers Live will take place elsewhere.)
Our live show will help build your biblical foundation and give answers to the popular news items of our day.
This change will help increase the reach and popularity of our unique program so that we can equip even more Christians to defend the truth of God’s Word in an ever-increasing secularized culture. Many secularists hate Answers News and do not want you to learn how science confirms the Bible, how everything we see in the world makes sense in a biblical worldview, and most of all, or hear the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our live show will help build your biblical foundation and give answers to the popular news items of our day.
Beginning July 31, Answers News will air at 2:00 p.m. ET every Monday and Thursday. If you aren’t familiar with the program, Answers News is a twice-weekly program broadcast live over my Facebook page. It’s a great half hour of looking at what’s going on in the culture or the latest in scientific research and interpreting it through the lens of Scripture. It’s a helpful resource for teaching others to think biblically and critically about what’s happening around us. We provide links to the articles we discuss at the top of the comments section.
We invite you to join us in Legacy Hall at 2:00 p.m. ET every Monday and Thursday beginning July 31 for Answers News. (If you are a regular viewer of the program, please note the time change.)
We hope you’ll join us in person or over the Internet for Answers News each week. Follow me on Facebook to receive notifications for when we go live or subscribe to our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.