How to Witness to People Who Believe Other Religions

by Ken Ham on April 11, 2017

When you think of world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or even secular humanism, you probably think of some place far away—like India, the Middle East, or Europe. But the number of those who practice religions such as these is growing every year in the United States. Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and secular humanists are your neighbors, coworkers, and classmates. How do we reach these precious people with the message of the gospel?

Get equipped with evangelistic tools and apologetics training at Answers in Genesis powerful and unique World Religions Conference, hosted at the nearby facilities of Florence Baptist Church in Florence, Kentucky, July 24–27, 2017. This conference features a tremendous line-up of speakers, including AiG’s Dr. Tommy Mitchell and Roger Patterson. You’ll also hear from Todd Friel, Emeal Zwayne, and Drs. Corey Abney, Mark Bird, Carl Broggi, Ron Rhodes, and Thane Hutcherson Ury. I will be giving the opening talk titled “Two Religions.”

This conference site was strategically selected because it is halfway between our Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. I encourage you to make a vacation out of it so your whole family can see these two world-class attractions. Registration includes a free 7-day pass to both attractions! (Accompanying spouse and dependent children, if not attending the conference, can get tickets at a 20% discount).

Early bird pricing ends May 1—don’t miss out on this discount!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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