The Five Best Things at the Practical Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders Conference

by Ken Ham on October 25, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We recently held our 7th annual Practical Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders conference here at the Creation Museum just south of Cincinnati. With attendance up from last year, over 300 pastors and Christian leaders joined us not just from the United States, but also from around the world. Though I was in Australia during the conference, I’ve heard great things from those who attended:

The conference was refreshing and energizing.
— JS, Texas
It was a blessing, and I was honored to be a part of this great conference. I was able to learn many things which will be a blessing in my country of India.
— B. D., India
My first conference at AiG—a blessing! Enjoyed the content, very beneficial and spiritually refreshing. Everyone was extremely helpful.
— J. A. , Michigan
Every session I learned new info and gained spiritual insight to help apologetics. The music was fabulous!
— Ohio

If you weren’t able to attend, here are the five best things about this year’s conference:

  1. Answers to tough questions. We know that even pastors and Christian leaders have questions about Scripture and scientific topics. This conference equipped Christian leaders with solid, practical answers to share with their congregation and others who might have skeptical questions about topics such as Genesis, geology, gender issues, and the effects of evolution on marriage and the sanctity of life.
  2. Audience with Dr. Georgia Purdom Audience with Bryan Osborne

    AiG speakers engage pastors and Christian leaders.

  3. Fellowship with other Christian leaders. Really, our conference is more like an event where you can interact with other Christian leaders and pastors. Along with Bible teaching from guest speakers such as Brad Bigney, Dr. Corey Abney, and Dr. Johnny Hunt (former Southern Baptist Convention president), attendees heard AiG apologists defend Scripture. They also had the opportunity to discuss topics with our speakers in between the conference sessions and at the Q&A session.
  4. Johnny Hunt

    Pastor Johnny Hunt speaks to attendees.

  5. Access to resources. Besides gleaning valuable apologetics information from the Creation Museum and its sister attraction, Ark Encounter, attendees also had access to the many resources in the museum’s Dragon Hall Bookstore. They were able to purchase books, pamphlets, CDs, DVDs, curricula, charts, and other resources to add to their personal collection or church library to reference as they prepare to defend the faith. (Many of these resources are available at our online store.)
  6. Resource Room

    Attendees browse AiG resources.

  7. God-honoring music. This year the classically trained Foto Sisters blessed us with string music and their beautiful voices, focusing our hearts on worship.
  8. Foto Sisters

    The Foto Sisters bless the audience with their music.

  9. Future opportunities. Attendees had the opportunity to connect with other pastors and with the speakers at the conference and even to schedule Answers in Genesis speakers to come to their area. It’s our hope that these several hundred pastors and Christian leaders will give answers to thousands of people around the world who in turn will give answers to even more.

It is AiG’s mission to call the church back to the authority of God’s Word and the gospel by equipping Christian leadership! That’s why we hope to see even more pastors and Christian leaders attend next year’s Practical Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders conference. Who knows? Maybe we’ll see you there!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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