Camp Infinity Announces 2017 Camp Schedule

by Ken Ham on October 16, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

In government schools across the United States, there are perhaps no other classes in which Christian young people face more fierce opposition than in their science classes. Bombarded with evolutionary teaching and a secular worldview, young people need to be prepared with answers to questions from their friends, classmates, and even teachers.

If you’d like to prepare your students to defend what God’s Word says about creation and how it works, there’s no better place than Camp Infinity. This outreach is run independent from AiG but is endorsed by our ministry, and most of the camps are held here in Northern Kentucky. Camp Infinity offers unique summer camps for grades 3–12, college students, and even families; however, all their camps have the same purpose: “to grow a love for God’s Word, Jesus Christ, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in young people.”

Camp Infinity is dedicated to nurturing young people’s love for science while equipping them with a biblical worldview.

Through apologetics lessons, hands-on activities, sessions with AiG scientists, and even trips to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, campers learn about a wide-range of science-related topics, starting with God’s Word. By integrating creation apologetics with STEM education, Camp Infinity is dedicated to nurturing young people’s love for science while equipping them with a biblical worldview. Now, that’s a ministry I can support!

Camp Infinity just released their 2017 camp schedule. Start thinking now about equipping your students to stand for God’s Word and defend biblical creation at Camp Infinity—and visit our faith-building Ark and museum. Learn more about this exciting opportunity at Camp Infinity’s website.

Save money by registering before January 1, 2017, to receive Camp Infinity’s Early Bird Tuition Reduction Discount. They also offer financial aid and scholarship discounts. Apply today to find out what your child could qualify for!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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